A key part of any successful party is ambience. The “mood” of your party can make or break your event — it can set a lasting, positive impression or merely be remembered as a dull blip. And when it comes to the mood of the party, nothing sets the scene like music. Of course, when it comes to parties, there are certain music best practices: like not playing the music too loudly. When choosing your band or DJ for your party, here’s what to do to avoid a messed up party.
Think Goldilocks
Music is integral to any memorable event. However, a good party host will integrate the music fully into the party—the music will soften at important intervals (for example, when the bride and groom walk in at a wedding) and come back up at cues (for example, when it’s time to dance).
The volume shouldn’t be too loud. Overly loud music can result in angry neighbors, missed special moments, and annoyed party guests who may even leave your party early! High volume music can ruin your party experience. Conversely, music that is too low in volume has its drawbacks as well. If the music is too soft, the “feel” of your party is dampened. Low music can translate to low energy…meaning fewer people are likely to hit the dance floor and less likely to be “into it” when they get there. Plus, if you’re trying to convey any information in the form of announcements, low volume means that not everyone will get the message. Not good.
The volume should respond to your crowd, not dictate to it—it should take the mood, setting and time of day into account. It should be neither too loud nor too soft—but just right, and you have every right to ask the band or DJ to adjust the volume level if you feel it is too loud or too soft.
Don’t Skip the Sound Check
So, how do you find that volume sweet spot? Preparation is key. Plan for your band or DJ to do a walk-through if they haven’t worked in the venue before and test things out.
A good idea is to ask your venue manager what type of music typically works best for the space and communicate that to your band or DJ. They should test out the music source, speakers, etc., try out different songs at different tempos and volumes; music pros will spot and solve any tricky music situations with a sound check.
How loud is it too loud?
Most of the venues will have installed a Noise Limiting device (sound limiter) that will monitor the sound within the entertainment room and if it goes over the recommended levels then it will cut off the electrical system within the room. Request your DJ or band to check beforehand with the venue manager what is the acceptable level and understand the venue’s sound requirements.
Don’t Make Impossible for Guests to Hear Each Other
When selecting your party playlist and announcement schedule, take the mood and attendance of your party into account. How old are your guests, for example? While younger crowds may have a good time rocking out to louder, more bass-heavy volume; older guests might prefer a quieter setting. The number of people in the room will affect how well the music is heard as well. Your volume should be loud enough to break through the crowd’s chatter, but soft enough that people can still talk to each other. On your event day, ask a your event organizer or venue manager to keep volume on their radar and alert the band or DJ if there are any issues.
Hire a Professional DJ
Spare yourself the stress of fiddling around with volume by hiring a professional DJ. A professional DJ will know exactly what needs to be done to find the right volume of music. He or she will get a full sound check before guests arrive, taking the size of the venue, sound system, acoustics, obstacles and other factors into consideration before the party begins. Interview your possible DJs and ask how they will set up for your event.
Our philosophy is that it’s better to be asked to turn up the music than down. Using their expertise and your suggestions, our DJs will always work with you to ensure your party is an absolute success and make it unforgettable.